Two Columns Blog With Pagination

Anger Management Therapy Can Relieve The Rage In “Differently Abled” People!

"Differently abled" - a comparatively new term for the physically challenged people undoubtedly depicts them with a positive light. New terms and changed social approach describes how thoughts and...

Exam Stress Causing Sudden Rage? Here are Some Quick Anger Management Tips!

The season of exam is here, and the students are into a state of multiple emotions. From the hopes and dreams they are supposed to achieve to the consequent...

Group Therapy- An Effective Solution To Complex Teens And Kids’ Anger Issues

Anger among kids and teenagers is a very complex area where many psychiatrists and therapists specialize in. And with rise in the prevalence of social media in young population’s...

Be a Hero: Protect Someone from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is psychological, rather than physical....

Can Anger Management Classes Really Help?

Does your blood pressure sky rocket when your child refuses to listen to you? Do you fume when someone overtakes you while driving? Anger is a very normal and...