Three Columns Blog With Both Sidebar

Meditation – The Fastest Way To Reduce Stress

If stress gets you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine, practiced for thousands of years. It produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. Anyone can practice meditation, as it's simple, inexpensive,...

The Aim and Purpose of Anger Management Counseling Classes

"Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would the other" Anger, one of the essential emotions of our lives has multifaceted dimensions, depending on its degree. Though something very common which resides amongst human minds,...

When Anger Turns Into Bitterness: The Psychology behind Uncontrollable Wrath

Anger is a basic human emotion response to anything that causes the slightest of irritation, provocation, hurt or threat.  According to many modern psychologists, pent up anger is like a pressure cooker. When it reaches its maximum limit, it explodes. Anger is in fact...

4 Steps That Anger Management Classes Take to Resolve Your Issues

There are millions of people in the world who, unconsciously, deals with serious anger issue. They fail to realize its severity by reluctantly terming it as ‘normal outburst’. This is a common phenomenon today; but few realize how fatal this ignorance could be; fatal...

The Surprising And Harmful Health Effects Of Stress On Women

Stress has become a part of the lives of women, owing to the multitasking they indulge into with hormonal imbalance they go through. Statistics say that women go though stress more than men, and they constant live life at the edge of mental turmoil....

6 Myths Of Domestic Violence That Every Person Should Know

In US, every 9 seconds, a woman is assaulted or beaten by her partner; In 2014, nearly 3 million men were victims of physical violence from their partner; Somalia, Zambia, India and even Russia and US- all rank high in the domestic violence rate....

Why Deep Breathe Technique Alone Cannot Resolve Your Anger Issues?

One of the most clichéd anger control techniques is to breathe deeply. Everyone suggests this, even the top professionals and experts. To put it out very bluntly, let us say something few have said- deep breathes cannot help you with your anger issue and...

The Misconceptions About Domestic Violence Which Needs To Be Cleared At The Soonest

“Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person.” ― Asa Don Brown With the survivors coming out in the public to share their stories...

Domestic Violence And Health Disorder

Did you know one of the worst injuries to women between the age 14 and 44 in United States is caused from domestic violence? And even if the figure is variant, this is a common trait across the world! Not just women but men...

Bid Adieu To Stress By Following The Quick And Easy Steps In Everyday Life

With family, life and other obligations happening to us every day, stress too has become an inexplicable part of our lives. Coping up with pressure and the challenges which life throws at us every day, is something which has gone missing, and the feeling...

Online Stress Management Courses – Possible Drawbacks

Classes and courses for stress management are available through easy online routes these days. The main reason behind introducing these courses in the digital platform is to make it easy for people to reach out to solutions without having to wreak absolute havoc in...

The Food Items For The Effective Management Of PMS Induced Stress And Anger

Feeling cranky, stressed and bloated with a mind full of negativities come as warming signs that you are about to begin the cycle of menstruation. The pre-menstrual syndromes are pathetic for women, and cause serious stress, anxiety and anger, with ill-effects on the body...

“It’s Not You!”— 5 Possible Reasons Why Your Relationships Never Last

It’s okay!!! If one relationship doesn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world. Pull yourself up, and hopefully the next one will be better and something that lasts longer; or to say that in Hollywoodesque way, it can be your “happily ever...

Want To Reduce Stress? Meditate!

Research and studies reveal that even spending a few minutes in mediation can go a long way in reducing stress, anxiety and restoring mental peace and inner calm. The best part about meditation is that you do not need any expensive equipment and you...

Deal With Stress The Right Way With Stress Management Courses

Modern life is synonymous with frustrations, deadlines and demands. For most individuals, stress has become so commonplace that they have accepted it as a part of life. Under normal circumstances stress isn't bad though. It often helps one to perform under pressure, motivates one...

The Benefits That You Avail By Opting For Online Anger Management Classes

Millions of people around the world suffer from severe anger issues. Some of them lack time to treat this problem while other doesn’t have enough money to seek professional help. Up until recently, leading therapists in Los Angels and across USA has come up...

Online Stress Management Techniques: Benefits & Myths

These are the days when happiness seems to be as elusive as the will-of-the-wisp. With everyday battles of life taking over every single minute of calm, stress management has become the sole key to leading a balanced life. At this phase of the 21st century,...

Meditation – The Best Stress Buster You Can Swear By!

Eager to combat everyday stress from your life and ooze with energy? Then switch off the TV, sit, think and come up with ways that will give you some relief! To reduce the damaging effects of stress, nothing is more efficacious than mediation. Activating...

6 Effective Tips For Stopping Domestic Violence In Your Community

As the latest report released by WHO stresses the growing sufferance of women due to domestic violence, the issue has raised concerns amongst intellectuals all over the world. In this context the community takes a great part in eradicating the society of such violence...

How To Begin A Conversation With Your Angry Partner After A Fight? Anger Management Tips!

We all come to a point of life, when excessive emotions tend to strangle us. Be it stress, even love or the most important one, anger. What if you are in relationship with a short tempered partner, and managing his anger every time you...

The Difference Between Emotions And Feelings: Anger Is A Secondary Emotion!

There is a common mistake that we all have been making for years now. We label what we feel deep inside, but deciphering emotions from feelings can be a perplexing procedure. But to get it clear, emotions are physical as they can be felt,...

Manage Your Frustrating Anger with These Unique Anger Management Techniques

Even though expressing your anger can be good for you, flying into a rage at every suspected slight isn't the answer. For instance, blowing off steam by hurling hardware at your hubby or breaking plates over the boss's head aren't great solutions. But it...

Understanding the Cycle of Domestic Violence: AT A Glance

So your partner hit you last night for some rather absurd reason. You cried yourself to sleep thinking “this is it!” But you woke up next day only to find the partner regretful for whatever happened last night. He/she is sobbing and asking for...

Court Accepted Domestic Violence Programs – Causes & Effects

Arguments, disagreements and minor clashes of wits are common in all domestic fronts. However, when these arguments and clashes escalate to verbal and physical abuse, the acts count punishable under criminal laws. In very simple words, organized society has laid a boundary to domestic...

3 Effective Relaxation Techniques For Anger Management

Anger issues are usually gripped with the vicious circle of stress. In very simple words, it is excessive stress that results in frequent uncontrolled anger outbursts and it is the frequent uncontrolled anger outbursts that result in furthering stress in the physical and psychological...

Impulsive Stress Management Techniques For Women!

"Give your stress wings, and let it fly away" If women can be multi-taskers, there will be stress enveloping their life!  Though this is a common phenomenon owing to the household chores, continuous work pressure or relationship troubles, it is also equally important for...

Anger Causes Sleep Disorders: Your Mood Is Synonymous To Your Sleep Patterns!

It might sound strange but anger and sleep disorders are closely related to each other. The proximity of developing a variety of sleep syndromes due to repressed anger or stress conditions had been surfacing in the studies of many psychologists. According to a leading...

Love Yourself By Not Tolerating Domestic Violence

You don't deserve this. Then why tolerate and be a victim?Abusers are emotionally and physically manipulative, making it difficult to negotiate the complicated web of emotions you may be feeling. Whether you're being abused in a romantic relationship or by a member of your...

Online Anger Management Classes Offers Certificate on Successful Completion

Anger is a natural emotion and is often used as a powerful tool for human survival and adaptation. Mild forms of anger such as irritation, frustration or displeasure can be considered as healthy forms of anger. But when this emotion reaches dysfunctional levels, it...

The Requirement of Stress Management Certification Programs in Corporate World

Stress has been known to destroy the most promising professional career of the brightest women and men. And that is one of many reasons why so many stress management certification programs exist today. These programs, designed so, not only solve the stress troubles that one...

Anger Management Therapy Can Relieve The Rage In “Differently Abled” People!

"Differently abled" - a comparatively new term for the physically challenged people undoubtedly depicts them with a positive light. New terms and changed social approach describes how thoughts and perceptions about physically challenged people have changed with time. Indeed, it is a great news!...

Exam Stress Causing Sudden Rage? Here are Some Quick Anger Management Tips!

The season of exam is here, and the students are into a state of multiple emotions. From the hopes and dreams they are supposed to achieve to the consequent stress build up, exams cause a whirlwind of contrasting feelings to nurture in the minds...

Group Therapy- An Effective Solution To Complex Teens And Kids’ Anger Issues

Anger among kids and teenagers is a very complex area where many psychiatrists and therapists specialize in. And with rise in the prevalence of social media in young population’s life, this area has got even more complex. Recent studies have shown of all the...

Be a Hero: Protect Someone from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is psychological, rather than physical. Noticing and acknowledging the sign of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending...

The Angry Teenager – Is It Just a Phase or Is It Not?

"My son is about to turn 20 by the end of this year. He always had a quick temper as a kid. I had always assumed that his short fuse was because he was at that awkward stage of life when he could neither...

Can Anger Management Classes Really Help?

Does your blood pressure sky rocket when your child refuses to listen to you? Do you fume when someone overtakes you while driving? Anger is a very normal and healthy emotion but it is important to deal with it in a positive way. Unrestrained...

Breaking The Cycle Of Stress Related Problems With Online Stress Management Classes

Often people overlook their excess level of stress claiming that ‘it’s normal’. Hardly do they ever know that ‘it is not!’ and it is destroying their lives in ways that they aren’t even aware of. From affecting their health to destroying their relationships at...

Don’t Let Stress Boggle You Deal with it The Constructive Way!

There is a basic instinct in human beings to stress over situations. The monthly bill or the never ending work hours, it just seems to bum us out. It also feels like we can do nothing about stress and the anxiety that predominately follows...

How Not To Eat Your Anger

Anger, as an emotion is as old as evolution itself. This is something that all things animate are naturally inclined to express when subjected to certain specific situations in the course of survival. From scaring away potential threats to continual existence to finding winning...

Go For Domestic Violence Program At The Right Time And Give Life A Fresh Start!

What will you call "violence"? Beating someone to death or using the offensive words to get things done? Violence has no such concrete definition, but has various forms and manifestations. Some people show their violent face with continuous throw of abusive language and some...

Affordable Anger Management Classes

Anger management programs are on their way to becoming the next bare essential in the life of an average human. The sudden surge of stress in professional, personal and financial planes caused by constant injections of complexities in each of these spheres has resulted...

Should You Vent Out or Bottle It Up? – Anger Management Diary!

"Anger can be defeated by controlling our emotions without upsetting the nerves" When anger strikes, we often get puzzled to express it or to keep it hidden inside our mind to avoid a bad situation. Amidst this confusion, we forget how to manage the...

Ward Off Stress on Work Days with Effective Stress Management Techniques

With the rapid pace of life we are facing today, stress too has embraced us wholeheartedly with all the negative effects, ruining both physical and mental well-being. Running behind the competitive world through the workplace pressure has turned us into mere machines and, we...

The Effective Anger and Stress Management Tips during Postpartum Depression

Baby blues, a part of postpartum depression affects most of the new mothers in the world, and this is a very confused and puzzling state of period for them. The dramatic drop of hormones after delivery is said to be the exact reason behind...

Things To Look Out For Before Enrolling For A Domestic Violence Online Class

"It is never too late to do the right thing" Are you suffering from acute domestic violence? Being an epidemic in itself, probably it is time to get you out of the shackles of the mental trauma and physical torture. Getting battered, be it...

Manage Stress to Lead a Fuller and Happier Life

Our minds are subject to a lot of strain due to the increasingly busy lives that we lead. Taxing and burdensome situations cause a lot of mental tension that leads to stress and stress not only affects our mental state but physical well-being as...

Different Types Of Anger And Their Remedies Through Anger Management Classes!

Do you burst out when you are angry or you keep sulking for a long time? Anger can be manifested in myriad ways but what it leaves behind is nothing but disappointment, anxiety and of course a sense of regret. However, thanks to the...

Do You Need Online Anger Management Classes? Here’s How You Decide

Anger is one of the most common emotions that all humans experience at some point of their lives. Bubbling rage as a reaction to stressors present in just about every sphere of life starting from personal to professional to social and economic and many...

Feminism and Anger: Stop Calling a Feminist Angry because She is Not!

There is a common misconception that has existed for years now. You might be familiar with the term “angry feminist”, but the story fuelling it is absurd, sexist and offensive to all women in general. People relate the terms feminism and anger, just like...

Online Stress Management Courses is like the Light at the End of a Dark Tunnel!

Stress is a part of everybody life but that does not mean we are passive to the effects of it. Dealing with stress should be a priority because it takes a toll on the mental and physical well-being. It is a raging epidemic that...

Online Anger Management Classes Can Make You A Strong Man

An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness & truth.” The boy thought...

Online Anger Management Classes Best Deals with Teenage Anger Issues

Teenagers can be angry creatures. They might yell at the top of their voices at their friends or parents, slam doors or burst into curses when something doesn't go their way or match up to their expectations. The reaction is completely understandable and to...

Time to Pet a Furry Friend As The Best Stress Management Technique

We often face chronic stress related problems amidst the humdrums of life, and hence, not just our mental and physical well-being, but also our relationships get ruined. But did you know that apart from yoga and meditation, there is something, rather someone who can...

Say Goodbye To Stress With Multi Meditation Techniques

In this age digitalization and fierce competition, the race for survival or to be the best is getting tougher. Happiness seems to be an illusion as contentment is escaping from each and every sphere of life with people renewing goals at the drop of...

7 Tips On How To Control Anger And Save Your Relationship!

Anger is an emotion that has the potential to rupture our lives if not taken control of. Constructive anger while can act as a motivator, uncontrollable rage becomes the cause of our downfall and often leads to violence. Anger can ruin relationships! There is...

How Can You, As A Responsible Man, Stop Domestic Violence!

Domestic violence is a plague that describes a pattern of behaviour which involves any form of abuse in a domestic setting. Domestic violence is a problem that has been affecting our society for years. Whether marital violence or any kind of ferocity in cohabitation,...

Manage Anger to Enjoy Life to the Fullest!

If you think you are a person who lacks the emotion of anger, then you are probably lying to yourself. Why? Because anger is a part of everyday life! It is just like food and water, something that we cannot do without. Consciously or...

Life Is Beautiful Remove The Glasses Of Anger Now!!

There are two kinds of angry people in this world: explosive and implosive. Explosive is the kind of individual you see screaming at the cashier for not taking their coupons. Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet day after day and finally shoots everyone...