The Misconceptions About Domestic Violence Which Needs To Be Cleared At The Soonest

“Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person.” ― Asa Don Brown
With the survivors coming out in the public to share their stories to us, domestic violence has finally become an accepted crime. Talked about in the national conversations through social media and other platforms, the victims are getting the confidence to seek professional help and have the urge to stay ‘enough’! Abusive relationships are common today, and emotional or physical violence comprises of the main two elements of domestic violence. Crossing socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, educational, age and religious lines, this is a serious battering which tends to eat the abused up mentally, shaking their state of existence. When the people who love and trust ends up being the monster you could never imagine them to be, this is the vulnerable moment of complete breakdown emotionally.
Even though this has become a national topic and has come in the forefront with court accepted domestic violence programs helping, still there are some dangerous and serious myths and misconnections regarding this. Here are some to throw light on.
Domestic violence is rare and unusual
There is a very common thought prevailing, that problems are common in relationships, but domestic abuse us very rare. But in reality, according to statistics one in four women, and 1 in 7 men, will experience relationship violence in their lives and with 85 percent of the victims are mainly women. There are few who do not accept this socially, so we fail to get the news in public. Rather, on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.
Domestic violence is physical
This is the greatest myth, that domestic violence is a physical torture. But the fact is different as this type of violence can be verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical. It is not always about slapping and punching or hitting one’s partner, rather psychological andemotional battering is also a dangerous sign. This isolates one partner from the realms of society and makes them mentally shakes. According to experts, this is rather more painful! Threatening and intimidating for something one doesn’t ones, and forcing is also equally violence as being physical is.
This only affects women
The abuser can direct violence to anyone, and this necessarily doesn’t have to be a woman. A man is equally at the receiving end of domestic violence. Though figures state that fewer men are affected by domestic violence, but that doesn’t mean that men are not victims of domestic violence.
Happens to poor and uneducated people
Domestic violence seems to be affecting only people below a definite class or who are uneducated. This is not the truth, as this can happen to anyone without the limitation of class or line. The abused can also hail from good families, or be rich and very well educated.
Victims can just leave without thinking
There are lots of factors which make it difficult for the abused to leave the relation. The financial barriers, family issues, societal pressure and most importantly the emotional attachment makes it very difficult to leave.
Counseling doesn’t help
There is a prevalent and very common myth that domestic violence cannot have a peaceful conclusion. But with proper counseling, even the abusers and victims can go back to normal lives with better confidence. Instead of leaving hopes, they should join the leading court ordered domestic violence classes to get professional assistance and psychological care.
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