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Online Anger Management Classes Offers Certificate on Successful Completion

Anger is a natural emotion and is often used as a powerful tool for human survival and adaptation. Mild forms of anger such as irritation, frustration or displeasure can be considered as healthy forms of anger. But when this emotion reaches dysfunctional levels, it...

The Requirement of Stress Management Certification Programs in Corporate World

Stress has been known to destroy the most promising professional career of the brightest women and men. And that is one of many reasons why so many stress management certification programs exist today. These programs, designed so, not only solve the stress troubles that one...

Anger Management Therapy Can Relieve The Rage In “Differently Abled” People!

"Differently abled" - a comparatively new term for the physically challenged people undoubtedly depicts them with a positive light. New terms and changed social approach describes how thoughts and perceptions about physically challenged people have changed with time. Indeed, it is a great news!...

Exam Stress Causing Sudden Rage? Here are Some Quick Anger Management Tips!

The season of exam is here, and the students are into a state of multiple emotions. From the hopes and dreams they are supposed to achieve to the consequent stress build up, exams cause a whirlwind of contrasting feelings to nurture in the minds...