Blog With Pagination

The Difference Between Emotions And Feelings: Anger Is A Secondary Emotion!

There is a common mistake that we all have been making for years now. We label what we feel deep inside, but deciphering emotions from feelings can be a perplexing procedure. But to get it clear, emotions are physical as they can be felt,...

Manage Your Frustrating Anger with These Unique Anger Management Techniques

Even though expressing your anger can be good for you, flying into a rage at every suspected slight isn't the answer. For instance, blowing off steam by hurling hardware at your hubby or breaking plates over the boss's head aren't great solutions. But it...

Understanding the Cycle of Domestic Violence: AT A Glance

So your partner hit you last night for some rather absurd reason. You cried yourself to sleep thinking “this is it!” But you woke up next day only to find the partner regretful for whatever happened last night. He/she is sobbing and asking for...

Court Accepted Domestic Violence Programs – Causes & Effects

Arguments, disagreements and minor clashes of wits are common in all domestic fronts. However, when these arguments and clashes escalate to verbal and physical abuse, the acts count punishable under criminal laws. In very simple words, organized society has laid a boundary to domestic...