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Online Stress Management Techniques: Benefits & Myths

These are the days when happiness seems to be as elusive as the will-of-the-wisp. With everyday battles of life taking over every single minute of calm, stress management has become the sole key to leading a balanced life. At this phase of the 21st century,...

Meditation – The Best Stress Buster You Can Swear By!

Eager to combat everyday stress from your life and ooze with energy? Then switch off the TV, sit, think and come up with ways that will give you some relief! To reduce the damaging effects of stress, nothing is more efficacious than mediation. Activating...

6 Effective Tips For Stopping Domestic Violence In Your Community

As the latest report released by WHO stresses the growing sufferance of women due to domestic violence, the issue has raised concerns amongst intellectuals all over the world. In this context the community takes a great part in eradicating the society of such violence...

How To Begin A Conversation With Your Angry Partner After A Fight? Anger Management Tips!

We all come to a point of life, when excessive emotions tend to strangle us. Be it stress, even love or the most important one, anger. What if you are in relationship with a short tempered partner, and managing his anger every time you...