Blog With Pagination

The Surprising And Harmful Health Effects Of Stress On Women

Stress has become a part of the lives of women, owing to the multitasking they indulge into with hormonal imbalance they go through. Statistics say that women go though stress more than men, and they constant live life at the edge of mental turmoil....

6 Myths Of Domestic Violence That Every Person Should Know

In US, every 9 seconds, a woman is assaulted or beaten by her partner; In 2014, nearly 3 million men were victims of physical violence from their partner; Somalia, Zambia, India and even Russia and US- all rank high in the domestic violence rate....

Why Deep Breathe Technique Alone Cannot Resolve Your Anger Issues?

One of the most clichéd anger control techniques is to breathe deeply. Everyone suggests this, even the top professionals and experts. To put it out very bluntly, let us say something few have said- deep breathes cannot help you with your anger issue and...

The Misconceptions About Domestic Violence Which Needs To Be Cleared At The Soonest

“Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person.” ― Asa Don Brown With the survivors coming out in the public to share their stories...