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3 Effective Relaxation Techniques For Anger Management

Anger issues are usually gripped with the vicious circle of stress. In very simple words, it is excessive stress that results in frequent uncontrolled anger outbursts and it is the frequent uncontrolled anger outbursts that result in furthering stress in the physical and psychological...

Impulsive Stress Management Techniques For Women!

"Give your stress wings, and let it fly away" If women can be multi-taskers, there will be stress enveloping their life!  Though this is a common phenomenon owing to the household chores, continuous work pressure or relationship troubles, it is also equally important for...

Anger Causes Sleep Disorders: Your Mood Is Synonymous To Your Sleep Patterns!

It might sound strange but anger and sleep disorders are closely related to each other. The proximity of developing a variety of sleep syndromes due to repressed anger or stress conditions had been surfacing in the studies of many psychologists. According to a leading...

Love Yourself By Not Tolerating Domestic Violence

You don't deserve this. Then why tolerate and be a victim?Abusers are emotionally and physically manipulative, making it difficult to negotiate the complicated web of emotions you may be feeling. Whether you're being abused in a romantic relationship or by a member of your...